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Signs and symptoms of gallstones causing health issues

 Do you know if you need to do a liver cleanse?

Maybe you need a daily detoxification for gallstones in your gallbladder or liver.  Most of the symptoms or signs are trying to tell you that your body has bigger problems but you need to address before problems arise.  The symptoms of gallstones can be as plain as the signs on your face or body.


Your eyes can show you signs of gallstone issues.

Gallstones and your eyes:

  • Puffy, water-filled skin can be a combination of clogged eliminatory organs, lymphatic system, gut dysbiosis, or tumors inside of reproductive tissues due to chronic inflammation.
  • Cataracts formed from protein and mucous from a chronic digestive and liver condition.
  • Yellowish under your eyes.  The darker the shading the more serious the digestive, kidney, reproductive organs, and bladder issues.  If pale or lack of flesh color you will want to care for your lymphatic, kidney, and pulmonary (lung) systems.
  • A visibly thick line across the pupil iris is a clue that the lymphatic system is clogged with fats and high cholesterol.
  • Red eyes due to circulatory disorder or respiratory issues that are not delivering blood flow full of proper oxygen to the whites of the eyes.  If you have seen someone with a yellow “patch” on the white of the eye it is proof of large gallstones.  There may be many stones stuck within the liver and gallbladder.  Cysts and different tumors may be prevalent as well.
  • “Dirty” blood is responsible for leaving the eyes dull.  Reduced blood flow, congested kidney, and liver allow the deposits of impurities and lacking clean blood flow.


Your skin can show signs of gallstones and liver issues.

Signs of gallstones and your skin:

  • Hair Loss in the middle and top of the head can indicate congested pancreas, heart, small intestines, liver, or reproductive organs.  Premature graying is a definite sign of under-active gallbladder and liver function.  It is also due to excessive Calcium and Magnesium eliminating in mass to calm the body as seen on Hair Analysis Results.
  • Freckles, brown patches, moles, or darkening age spots on the sides of the forehead, under-eye circles, or between the brows.  These are frequently called liver spots on the hands or forearms but may also be around the shoulder blades.  If a cleanse is done, the spots may fade or disappear.
  • A greenish or darker coloration on the sides of the bridge of your nose or temples indicates the pancreas, liver, spleen, and gallbladder are under-active.
  • An oily forehead or very sweaty one can indicate bile dysfunction along with a yellowish hue.
  • Vertical lines above the nose, between the eyebrows, known as the “11’s”.  The depth and length may indicate the level of liver toxicity.  Hair growth between the brows and pimples is an indication in the spleen, gallbladder, and liver are clogged.  These lines are not a part of “normal aging”.


Your nose can give you clues to gallstone and liver issues.

Your nose and gallstones:

  • A line, indentation, or larger side can be a reflection of a heart enlargement on the corresponding side, heart palpitations, or a murmur.  Even panic attacks may be an indication along with the indent of the tip of the nose.
  • A hard tip or thicker skin is a sign that immediate action is needed to clear accumulated fat and clear the liver repeatedly.  Blood vessels should not be visible.
  • A red nose or purplish hue is more of a low blood pressure issue.  It can be indicated in high blood pressure too but regardless of either case, there needs to be balance or homeostasis. Therefore balance needs to be restored to the liver or kidney.
  • As weird as it sounds, if the nose leans toward the left it can be reflective of the poor condition of the gallbladder, ascending colon, liver, right side of the brain, or reproductive organ.  Again, the gallbladder and liver need to be cleared of stones.


Your mouth can be telling you that you have gallstone, liver, and digestive issues.

Gallstones and your mouth:

  • A cracked tongue indicates a chronic colon dysfunction.  The walls of the colon experience damage by acidic toxicity.  In essence, this is due to the lack of volume of bile to break down foods thoroughly.
  • A yellow or white coated tongue mostly toward the back.  These are putrefied, fermented, or undigested food toxins that can’t remove through the lymphatic fluid in the head.  They are trapped microbes, acids, and microbes.
  • Frequent belching or chronic bad breath due to putrefied food in the digestive tract.  Bacteria eat the fermenting food causing toxic gases that emanate up the throat.  In fact, this is quite different than halitosis due to tooth decay.
  • If you have tooth indentations on the sides of your tongue or whitish mucous it indicates poor digestion.  Most importantly it is a sign of malabsorption of nutrients within the small intestines.
  • Acid reflux and burping bile may cause coughing or reoccurring throat clearing.  Extra mucous is produced to reduce the acid and neutralize toxins.
  • By identifying the lower lip on the outer point we can tell there are ulcers in the large intestine.  You will see “crusty” corners of the mouth indicates duodenal ulcers as a result of bile regurgitating back up into the stomach.  Severe inflammation and ulcers can be found in the intestinal wall.  When the Herpes virus is present on the lip it will present with cold sores.
  • Frequent cavities or yellowing of the canine teeth indicates a highly acidic diet of sugars, drinks such as coffee or soda, and rich protein-based foods.  Nutrient deficiency always correlates with the hair analysis results.  Gallstones and mineral imbalance are always present.  Unbalanced minerals and acidic yet minimal saliva are the contributing factors as well.
  • Bleeding gums, tonsillitis or swollen gums indicates lymphatic drainage indicates clogs within the head stopping the liver from proper cleansing.
  • Swollen lips either indicate intestine dysfunction when the bottom is protruding or stomach issues with a swollen top lip.  The toxic acids can cause dry, peeling, or split lips as well as indicator of dehydration in the colon down to the cellular level.
  • Dark spots or venous lake (looks like a blood blister) spots on the lips due to poor blood circulation not to mention slow lymph drainage.  Additionally, this is a good indication that the lungs, heart, and respiratory pathways have congestion.


Your nails and toes can be telling you to correct liver issues.

A link between gallstones, your hands, feet, and nails:

  • White spots on the nail bed show a huge elimination of sugar or simple carbohydrates.  In the same way, it reflects a large purge of Zinc or Calcium that occurs during illness.
  • The skin on the fingertips is fatty, white, and a sign of a diet filled with excessive fats and sugars.
  • If the fourth toe has a hardened tip or a callous it may be a stagnant gallbladder.  A stiff or “stuck” bent and painful toe shows a chronic situation of gallstones in both organs.
  • Gallstones in the liver bile ducts can bend and pull the big toe into the second toe.  The lymphatic system and spleen are in overdrive trying to compensate for poor digestion, metabolic toxins, and waste byproducts.
  • Dark red fingernail beds reflect a high amount of cholesterol, minerals, and fatty acids present in the blood. The excretory pathways are sluggish and backed up.  White nail beds indicate poor blood circulation, accumulated fats, and mucous around reproductive organs, liver, heart, and pancreas often in conjunction with anemia.
  • Yellow-colored feet are a large accumulation of gallstones in the liver and gallbladder.  Tumors and cysts may be present if any greenish color indicating severe issues with the spleen or lymphatic system.
  • A bump and/or white toenails on your 4th and 5th toe links to kidney, liver, bladder, and gallbladder congestion.
  • Ridges running vertically on fingernail indicating poor digestion and absorption in addition to ongoing fatigue.  Higher ridges that may have split ends may be indicating poor circulation and digestion that links to ovarian and testicular disorders.


Do you have any of these signs and symptoms gallstones?

As you can see there are many indications that something is not right. If you have symptoms, the choice is what you will do with the information.  You have 3 choices.  First, you can correct it naturally in the same manner it slowly deteriorated by using a hair mineral analysis.   Secondly, you can guess or practice to “treat” it, or thirdly, ignore it until it becomes a serious health issue.


Learn more on How and why gallstones are formed.


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