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Gallstones, bile, and minerals all affect your gallbladder health!

How do minerals affect how gallbladder stones are formed?

Your liver may not show symptoms until it has lost up to 60% of its capability.  This may lead to disease in many ways including simple constipation.  If elimination isn’t efficient, toxins can build up in the lower parts of the intestine.  Lack of blood flow or calcified stones causes kidney infections or failure if they are stuck in the kidney and bladder.

When we look at your hair analysis, we can see if you have bio-unavailable or unusable Calcium as well as your Magnesium levels that should be keeping the Calcium in check.  Excess liquid fats can contribute to the stones since they are not being broken down with enough bile salts and may bind with minerals.


What are gallstones made of?

When gallstones are first created you will have biliary (a tube from your liver to the duodenum) sludge made up of granules of calcium bilirubinate, glycoproteins, and cholesterol crystals.  The duodenum is a curve (think of the pea trap under your sink) and the 1st segment of your small intestine.

Gallstones will be created in 2 ways.  The 1st way is when your liver cells and gallbladder bile is not clean enough or enough volume of bile is present to keep cholesterol or fat in a liquified removable state.  It can accumulate to form stones and grow in time if not dissolved.  The 2nd is when Calcium is accumulated forming harder stones.


Are there different types of gallstones?

Yes.  When gallstones are made of excessive calcium bilirubinate which is a chemical that produces when the body breaks down red blood cells.  It creates brown pigment stones[i] that are usually responsible for biliary tube infections.  The lighter-colored bands in the brown stones contain virtually all of the detected calcium palmitate, while the darker sections contained much more calcium bilirubinate.  My clients know the importance of palmitic acid in coffee that helps with these type of stones.

Black pigment stones are extremely hard bilirubin polymers you will find mostly in the gallbladder.   The black bilirubinate and black phosphate stones contain high concentrations of sulfur and copper in the center of the black bilirubinate stones.

These stones have 2 different mechanisms of forming as found under a microscope.  The layered structures of the black carbonate and brown stones suggest that stone growth is affected by cyclic changes in biliary composition[ii].

If stones are not quite hard yet they may not be seen on some forms of testing.  Even the non-calcified cholesterol-sourced stones can block bile ducts over time resulting in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.  Those suffering from this diagnosis can have up to 20,000 of these fatty stones until symptoms present serious issues!

These fatty stones also harbor viruses and bacteria which can travel through bile to weakened areas of the body.  Gallstones can range in size from a pinpoint up to a walnut which often requires ultrasonic blasting or surgery to remove them.


How can gallstones affect the rest of my body?

Mineral deposits within the urinary system may cause fluid retention and water weight gain.  Mucous forms and thickens in the lungs, throat, ears, veins, and arteries.  Thickened blood can lead to restricted blood flow resulting in heart attacks or strokes but may present early on as arthritis, skin disorders, anxiety, and insomnia due to the mineral imbalance.

Gallstones slow proper bile secretion reducing your appetite and salivation.  Without enough saliva, the mouth can begin to grow damaging bacteria which can cause tooth decay by plague formation.  You can also regurgitate stomach contents or bile just as it happens in a clogged drain with gasses behind it triggering belching.

Depending on the location in the mouth, an ulcer can indicate where a digestive issue is occurring.  The lower lip has connection to the tongue, stomach, appendix, large intestine, small intestine, and the corners of the mouth in relation to duodenal ulcers.

Learn more on what body parts your gallbladder affects beyond the organ.


How can a lack of bile cause a Calcium deficiency?

Calcium absorbs best with fats so if there is an inability to break down your fats, calcium will not be put to use throughout your body.  In addition, the blood will strip Calcium from bone and pull it into your bloodstream triggering osteoporosis or poor bone density.  At this point arteriosclerosis can occur.  We can see on a Hair Mineral Analysis if you have low or highly toxic amounts of Calcium that are either smothering your cells or stuck as arthritis needing detoxification.


How does Magnesium help gallstones?

Cholecystokinin (CCK) is a medical term for your bile sac that moves or your gallbladder.  It is a hormone in your gastrointestinal system that stimulates the digestion of protein/amino acids and fats by secreting them into your duodenum.

CCK releases after being stimulated by the Magnesium to contract which can help pass stones[iii].  Magnesium not only helps to pull water into the intestinal system but can also block absorption in some forms.

Magnesium malate is a very absorbable magnesium that breaks down easily and combines magnesium with Malic acid. Malic acid is a fruit acid naturally found in most cells to soften and purge gallstones. Malic acid is in high concentrations in apple juice, apples, and apple cider vinegar.

Magnesium Citrate is the most easily absorbs in the supplement form due to citric acid.  It is a mild laxative that can help with constipation and very is inexpensive.


How can I improve my bile, soften or stop formation of gallstones?

To help your liver be more healthy and produce bile, you can take two amino acids:

  1. Glycine is an anti-inflammatory as well as a muscle relaxer.
  2. Taurine inhibits cholesterol gallstones from forming and less cholesterol in the liver.  These mineral amino acid are a must to convert bile salts from bile acids.

Gallstones and fatty liver are more likely to develop if one eats excessive proteins, processed food, or excessive usage of medications.  Other factors may be malnourishment or obesity, and exposure to chemical and toxic compounds, .


What if my gallbladder has been taken out?

You can live without your gallbladder however, if possible, try to save it.  You will need to compensate for the lack of bile storage with a ox bile or similar supplement.  You’ll need it even more when you are eating foods with fat, even in healthy forms.  You may encounter diarrhea if there is not enough bile salts to dissolve the fats or break them down.


Hair Analysis and your gallbladder

In my program I make sure my Hair Analysis clients have support with:

  • The proper balanced mineral supplements of Calcium to Magnesium and specific bile assistance.
  • Milk Thistle is great for the gallbladder and the liver.
  • Chiropractic adjustments along with acupuncture can help to relax the body and allow the gallbladder to expel some small stones.
  • I encourage drinking an ounce or two of organic Apple Cider vinegar with warm water.  Caster oil packs if discomfort is occurring can help as well.
  • I work with them on their dietary changes to work toward a healthy weight if they have excess.
  • Daily cleansing modalities help the flow of bile and the gallbladder to empty to refill with fresh bile.


If you are ready to get healthy from the cell (and gallbladder) out, LET’S CHAT!





Copyright Scientific Nutrition, LLC 2021