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Health Risks of Graphene Oxide in COVID-19 Vaccines

Was Getting COVID-19 Vaccination Your Best Decision?

Remember when you thought getting vaccinated during COVID-19 was the only way to live?  The “experts” claimed that the only way to avoid Coronavirus is to get at least 2 COVID shots and ‘boosters’.  That might have seemed true until reports revealed a list of alarming ingredients in the COVID-19 vaccines.


Health Risks of Graphene Oxide Within COVID-19 Vaccines

One such ingredient is a highly cytotoxic, genotoxic, magnetico-toxic substance called Graphene Oxide.  The substance can cause serious injuries — and, in extreme cases—breathing difficulties and death upon ingestion.

In this article, you’ll learn about Graphene Oxide and how it affects health.  Most importantly, you’ll see evidence of its presence in  COVID-19 vaccines.


What Is Graphene Oxide And How Does It Affect Our Health

Graphite oxide (GO) is a carbon nanomaterial derived from graphite by oxidation processes.  GO is ideal for biochemical applications because when it is chemically reduced, it becomes the strongest, thinnest, and most conductive material on Earth.


The nanomaterial offers us several unique properties as well, including:

  • Biocompatibility
  • High therapeutic efficacy
  • Targeted delivery at the site of action.

GO has a high surface-volume ratio with extremely high mechanical strength, making it an excellent choice as an anti-cancer and anti-bacterial agent.  These properties have piqued the researchers’ interest and led them to employ GO in a wide range of biomedical applications, from drug delivery to tissue engineering.  Along with GO, there are self-organizing and self-assembling nanotech that need to be disabled.


Here’s where it gets controversial!

While previously considered biocompatible, recent studies have raised concerns about its toxicity.  GO’s high reactivity means it can penetrate cell membranes and interact with biological systems.  Think about that for a second, it can go through your cells and get into your whole body!

This implies that while the nanoparticle enhances the effectiveness of medical treatments, recent evidence has proved it can interact with human bodies.  Research has also emphasized that this interaction is often detrimental to the health of humans.

GO has also been found in masks and nasal swabs and its presence has been linked to severe blood clots that eventually lead to breathing difficulties and strokes.  If you consider its magnetism you can imagine how it could “clump” together easily.


Graphene Oxide in COVID Vaccines

Several reports confirm the presence of Graphene Oxide in COVID-19 vaccines. Some of these are as follows:

  • Biophysicist Dr. Andreas Kalcker has confirmed that Graphene Oxide is present in all the COVID-19 vaccines.
  • Another study reveals an electroscopy report showing a shocking 99.5% of GO found in Moderna and other vaccines, such as Pfizer and AstraZeneca.
  • Researchers at La Quinta Columna Associate found COVID symptoms such as coughing, hypoxia, and respiratory stress liked with GO.

Further analysis of vaccine contents revealed the presence of non-biosensor components as well.  What the hell is that??

Well, for instance, researchers found nano routers and Graphene Quantum Dots that can be used to create nano biosensors and nanoelectronic networks in our bodies and brains.

Shockingly, Robert Young, M.Sc., D.Sc., Ph.D., upon observing energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, concluded that these drugs are not true ‘vaccines’.  He continued by saying that they are complex graphene oxide nanoparticulate aggregates attached to mRNA from animal or aborted human fetal cells.

The findings were further validated by Dr. Byram Bridle’s whistleblowing, who found these mRNA lipid nanoparticles in human organs, including the brain, heart, ovaries, and testes.

Blood clots have been discovered in patients who have received these vaccines, eventually leading to strokes and even death in some cases.


What is mRNA?

The RNA is involved in building your proteins at every cellular level.  The messenger (the “m” in mRNA) material gets into your DNA to replace a single strand of genetic instructions.

The mRNA will then redirect your genetic code with these instructions using a sequence inside a protein to be replicated.  The protein expression created can sneak into your lymph nodes via your T cells (fighters for your immunity) where priming occurs to kick in your God-given immune system.


Health Risks Associated with Graphene Oxide

By 2022, we had already received more than 128,766 adverse events in patients who have been treated with COVID-19 (and other) vaccines.  Keep in mind, that the Centers for Disease Control or CDC openly states that it is estimated only 1% of adverse events are reported.  If the true number is only 10% it would be 1,287,660 and that was only up to 2022!

A good number of these cases involved some sort of neural and cardiological complications, such as myocarditis, Bell‘s palsy, and cerebral venous thrombosis.  Those are some serious conditions when you consider that 99% of the population got over the virus within a few days to a week.

Children and young adults are the most vulnerable to Graphene Oxide.  More deaths were recorded in children aged 15-29  in 2022 compared to the average of 5 years before the pandemic.

Graphene Oxide poses 3 major health risks:

  • Neuroinflammation
  • Oxidative stress
  • Blood clots & heart issues

As for stats, 12% of individuals have reportedly developed infections due to vaccines.


What can Graphene Oxide do to the body?

GO triggers an autoimmune response, which produces antibodies that attack healthy cells in the body.  This, in turn, leads to the development of numerous neurological symptoms such as headaches, mental fog, and unusual spikes in blood pressure.

GO’s large surface area and small-scale nature means it can easily cross the blood-brain barrier.  Research has explained how GO’s accumulation in the brain can cause neuroinflammation and contribute to disorders.  The most prominent ones being Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

What makes Graphene Oxide gravely dangerous is its ability to elevate reactive oxygen species (ROS for short).  These ROS can cause oxidative stress and damage at the cellular level.  When introduced into the human body, ROS can cause immunotoxicity, affecting the normal functioning of the human immune system.

Another equally concerning issue is GO’s affinity for sensitive human organs.

Following the administration of these COVID-19 vaccines, GO travels to sensitive human organs such as the lungs, reproductive organs, and even DNA, causing biotransformation of cell membranes and genetic mutations.  We all know that when our cells are compromised we will get seriously ill.


GO’s Self-Assembling Properties and Magnetic & Electromagnetic Interference

 Studies have proven that Graphene Oxide possesses magnetic properties such as paramagnetism and ferromagnetism.

One report mentioned, “Graphene is completely altering our electromagnetic field.”  As electromagnetic beings, just think about how this would affect our overall well-being.  Doctors stated that they observed spasming in COVID-vaccinated patients.

It’s concerning.

Because spasming and convulsions, as stated by doctors, can occur only at a specific frequency.  Meanwhile, if these cases are found in patients, the only reason is that vaccine ingredients, or specifically GO, have disrupted electromagnetic fields at the molecular level.

What makes the situation worse is that Graphene isn’t just affecting our electromagnetic fields but is completely altering them.  Such behavior has never been seen before, especially within in-vivo (in human bodies) conditions.


Nanostructures and Bioelectronic Circuits

Experts like Robert Young have commented on GO’s ability to form nanostructures that form networks mimicking bioelectronic circuits.  These could interact with neural pathways, disrupting brain activity.  This tends to affect our health and causes cognitive impairment and neurodegenerative diseases.  When these structures form circuits, what happens to us electrically when 5G frequency or radiation is flipped on close by?


Magnetic Susceptibility and 5G Technology

Another property of GO that’s made to work against humans is its magnetic susceptibility.

Researches show that the magnetic properties of GO intensify under strong electromagnetic fields, such as those produced by 5G technology, and can be controlled to respond to external fields, causing;

  • Localized heating which is no different than your 2.4G microwave oven used to reheat food
  • Inflammation
  • Cellular damage

This self-assembling behavior of GO on exposure to high-frequency EMF can interfere with your body’s electrical signals, contributing to long-term health risks like heart arrhythmias and neuroinflammatory conditions.

Face it, we are 70% water and electricity.  Heck, we are 70-90% made up of bacteria and fungal cells with less than a third our body being made of human bacterial cells.  In fact, only 1% of our genes are human!  Let’s not cook our “biome” with EMF or EMR.


What Should You Do Next If You’ve Been Vaccinated?

The studies have proved the harmful effects of Graphene oxide.  From neuroinflammation to oxidative stress to severe blood clots, Graphene Oxide poses serious health risks.

What’s worse is its ability to cross the blood-brain barrier and interfere with electromagnetic fields.  Fortunately, detoxing from Graphene Oxide and other harmful substances is possible.


Hair Analysis and Graphene Oxide

This toxic metal is more unique than other metals as I’ve explained but it can be detoxified.  We will need to build up your nutritional energy to be able to remove them and use specific protocols to safely escort them out.  The nanotechnology can be “turned off” so it will stop robbing your red blood cells of electrons for energy.  Taking care of the parasitic component is the easiest part due to the fact that it is organic by nature.

Contact me for personalized recommendations to start to detoxify these elements and take back control of your health!


Learn more about the biologics in the shots.  It is a deep-dive education with a world-renowned doctor trying to help us see what we are up against in detoxifying people.

Enjoy my FREE 17 health tips with a tracking journal for accountability to start feeling better today.

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