Who needs detoxification? Do you practice regular detoxification to feel your best? It is not talked about as much as good nutrition but is equally important to our health. Everyone…
Learn how to use detox and supplements to improve your health.
Vitamin or mineral deficiency, heavy metal toxicity, and symptoms linked to both can be explained with Hair Mineral Analysis. It takes time to nurture your body back to health with nutritional support and by detoxifying the body.
How do you know if you have a vitamin B deficiency? You can have a vitamin B deficiency and be unaware. The B vitamins are needed for multiple functions and…
Which vitamins or minerals do we need most? We are all made up of minerals which are the smallest inorganic molecules. They are smaller than a vitamins in simple forms…
What is fiber? Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that we can’t digest for caloric fuel. It is a plant-based product that can’t be broken down. Fiber plays more of…
Why is collagen important? Collagen is 30% of your body's protein providing the structure that holds together your connective tissues, skin, bones, muscles, etc. Your skin structure is up to…
Would you know if you had a sugar addiction? I used to be! I lived on it for energy to get through the day. As a self-proclaimed sugarholic, I couldn’t…
How can Hair Mineral Analysis help you correct adrenal fatigue? You may not have known Hair Mineral Analysis could help you with adrenal issues. When searching on reversing adrenal burnout,…
Is copper toxicity putting you at a greater risk for cancer? Copper toxicity is the most common heavy metal I see on Hair Mineral Analysis of all the toxic elements…
What do you do when Vitamin B12 is high? An elevated vitamin B12 level on a blood test may be rare but must be addressed as it can be life-threatening. …
Do you have signs of a Vitamin B12 deficiency? A Vitamin B12 deficiency is most often seen after the age of 50 but can occur under many conditions. It is…