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Slow thyroid symptoms and causes can be corrected!

Causes of hypothyroidism, symptoms and medications

What can I do for hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism comes with so many symptoms.  Many clients have asked me this question as they are tired of taking medication or suffering with the symptoms. My newest client Nate said,

“I want to reduce or get off of my Thyroid medication!”

It was his main health goal within his Health For Life™ Wellness Program.  After three months of his individualized plan, he sent me this-

“I went in to see my general practice doctor for an annual physical, and my thyroid is getting better apparently!  I’m quite pleased that it seems like my thyroid is dramatically improving while taking the supplements!”

Although I have always refused to take thyroid medication, I struggled with a slow thyroid for decades to find a natural way to help it heal.  Even when the doctor said my blood levels were in the normal range, I had the tell-tale symptoms of hypothyroidism. 

I struggled with dry skin/hair, sugar/caffeine/carbohydrate cravings, heart palpitations, skipping heartbeats, weight gain, slow motility, fatigue, anxiety, brain fog, and poor circulation in my hands and feet.   It didn’t matter what a blood test said; I knew something was off!


What does your thyroid do?

Physically, the primary function is to speed up your metabolism. It works with your pituitary gland to turn on your sympathetic nervous system in preparation for fight or flight, which is stressful.  Along with your adrenal glands, which act as fuel for the ignition of the thyroid spark, they raise the blood sugar for immediate action.  

Esoterically or psychologically, the thyroid is associated with your will or effort put forth.  In Chakra terms, it is the energy center of the body that can influence disease from an emotional level.  Whether self-expression and emotions are suppressed, or one is strongly willful, it can affect thyroid abnormalities.  Think of the “lump in my throat” feeling when you get emotional.

You can learn more about thyroid symptoms to correlate them to a fast, slow, or inflamed thyroid.


Hair Analysis is different than the TSH blood test?

I am testing the cellular response at the end of the hormonal activity upon the cell instead of blood tests that measure the amount of hormone.  If your hormones can not get into the cells to work, the blood test levels don’t mean as much because your chain of command is broken.

There is a process and parts in the chain of command for the hormone to work.  Imbalance can put a speed bump or ditch in the way of an optimal thyroid function.

For example:

  • An elevated level of Calcium is associated with a slow thyroid as it blocks out the hormone.
  • A low hair level of potassium can cause slower cellular effects of the hormone.
  • Low Selenium reflects the slow conversion of T4 (made in the thyroid) to T3 in the liver for ENERGY and is necessary for two steps of the process!
  • Impaired cell membranes can be blocking the absorption of hormones into the cells.
  • Minerals and heavy metals are blocking or damaging the pituitary gland from making TSH.
  • High levels of Mercury and Copper can antagonize iodine, which is necessary for the production of thyroid hormones.


These are examples of why Nutritional Balancing minerals and detoxifying the interfering heavy metals work with the whole body instead of stomping one symptom at a time.  We need to look closer at your thyroid process, not just a simple TSH test.  Giving your system the tools to create and process your hormones is a huge key.

If you are ready to live your best quality of health possible, LET’S CHAT about your health goals!

Learn more about causes and symptoms with hypothyroidism.

Scientific Nutrition, LLC© 2020