You are currently viewing 18 Symptoms of a serious Magnesium deficit
Are you low on Magnesium?

18 Symptoms of a serious Magnesium deficit

18 Symptoms of a serious Magnesium deficit

There is a huge percentage of the population that have a serious magnesium deficit, mostly due to low dietary consumption.

According to the Mayo Clinic experiencing a deficiency of magnesium does not show up as a symptom until it is at a significantly low level.  The blood only holds approximately 1% of our level so taking a deeper look into the cellular storage is more important than most realize.


Serious Magnesium deficiency symptoms may include:

  • Anger
  • Muscle pain/cramps/spasms & restless leg
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Belligerence
  • Osteoporosis
  • Upper respiratory infections
  • Asthma
  • Chronic sinusitis
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Constipation
  • Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Migraines
  • Insomnia
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Fatigue
  • Seasonal allergies

What does Magnesium do?

Magnesium plays a part in every function of the body and is intimately involved with enzymes.   “Every known illness is associated with a magnesium deficiency and it’s the missing cure to many diseases.”  According to American neurosurgeon, Norman Shealy, MD, Ph.D.  It is also necessary for the synthesis of glutathione which is our body’s largest antioxidant.  Glutathione removes free radicals (damaged cells) that cancers can grow on.


What are good food sources of Magnesium?

Good food sources to improve levels include vegetables, seeds, nuts, and non-GMO/organic grains.  The typical American diet of refined grain foods, dairy products, fruits, sodas, and even some teas contain very little Magnesium.


How does stress affect Magnesium levels?

Stress and excessive exercise can quickly drain the body in an effort to calm the adrenals down or repair overused muscles.  Having an excess of Magnesium is a bio-unavailable form that can also cause the above symptoms, as it is unusable to the body.

Depletion of this mineral can be caused by an excess of other minerals such as sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphates, sugar, and severely by alcohol (which is a diuretic).  Soda pop is draining as it releases magnesium causing a relaxed, feel-good sensation but in turn, depleting the body’s magnesium levels.

Other factors such as soil depletion, aging, malabsorption due to leaky gut, excessive water consumption, or medication side effects (acid reflux drugs).


Hair Analysis and a Serious Magnesium Deficit

When a body has an imbalance of Magnesium, taking it in excess will not correct it for long.   One could experience temporary relief of some symptoms but until one knows the “how and why” the level is low, it will reoccur.

The product Milk of Magnesia is high in Magnesium to relieve constipation, but you would not take it long term!  Chronic intermittent bouts of diarrhea which is common with irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, Crohn’s or Celiac Disease can result in significant Magnesium loss.

We are the best advocates in our own healthcare and until you know where you are, you won’t know how to get there.  In finding the cause of low Magnesium within your Hair Analysis Results, you will learn the answer in how to correct it!

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