Your thyroid function is not defined only by the thyroid itself. A good TSH hormone level is not always the answer for measuring your thyroid function. It is just a…
Thyroid related symptoms with a normal TSH test? Thyroid information needs to be explained as a complete process and as a whole system. Your TSH blood test is not the definitive answer.
Dig deeper with Hair Mineral Analysis to correct mineral balances & heavy metal toxicity that can affect your thyroid health. The basic thyroid information given in a TSH test is just the beginning of the puzzle
Are you ready to feel like yourself again with science-based natural solutions?
You're told you have a normal TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) but you have symptoms of a slow thyroid, what should you do? A normal TSH doesn't mean the process is…
What does the thyroid do and what are possible thyroid symptoms?
What does the thyroid do for you? Your thyroid does more than you think!. It is an organ that looks like a shield (literally derived from the Greek word) or…
What can I do for hypothyroidism? Hypothyroidism comes with so many symptoms. Many clients have asked me this question as they are tired of taking medication or suffering with the…
Do you know how fluoride affects bones? Most don't realize how badly fluoride affects bones. Now found in municipal water sources, it can cause many bone related-issues. There is a…
Feeling like your thyroid is slow? Thyroid fatigue feels like you are dragging your bones around and tired regardless of the amount of sleep you get. It may feel like…