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Flexible Work Arrangement doubles employee wellness

5 (understated) benefits of Flexible Work Arrangement

Let me explain how a flexible work arrangement can improve employee wellness.  We will look at the breakdown of the increases, decreases, and benefits to not only for employers but also employees.


What is Flexible Work Arrangement in the corporate sector?

After 2020, traditional ways of working…or typical job schedules changed significantly.  Companies adopted WFH (work-from-home) and remote working models.  We have seen those models’ positive and negative impacts and how they affected employees’ well-being and job satisfaction.

But a flexible work schedule is also NOT a traditional WFH or remote work.

Flexibility in the corporate workspace allows employees to adapt to new circumstances.  It gives them the freedom to easily perform their jobs and spare time.  Your company can offer your employees many forms and methods of flexible work arrangements.

Some of the most popular are hybrid work (on-site or off-site working), condensed workweeks, shift work, part-time work, and job sharing.

Whatever model you select, this blog will show you how flexible work benefits your employees and, consequently, your company and business.


5 benefits of Flexible Work Arrangements (FWAs)

Admit it or not, your employees are your responsibility. You and your company directly influence their well-being and mental health. Flexible work schedules improve their well-being and signal that you value them.


Here are 5 benefits that a flexible work environment offers to your employees;

1.    It increases work performance and productivity.

Research from the International Labour Organization (ILO) indicates that flexible work arrangements can lead to a remarkable boost in productivity, with figures suggesting an increase of 25-30%.  Empowering your employees to customize their work schedules and environments fosters a sense of ownership and accountability.

With this autonomy, individuals are more inclined to optimize their workflow, which results in heightened performance and output.  Flexibility enables companies to enhance productivity and cultivate a culture of trust and empowerment among their workforce.


2.    It reduces stress and burnout.

Flexible work arrangements can significantly alleviate stress and burnout among employees.  With the ability to customize their work schedules and locations, individuals experience reduced pressure to conform to rigid office hours.  Studies consistently show that flexible work options lead to lower stress levels and decreased burnout rates.  Employees feel more in control of their time, which results in greater well-being and job satisfaction.


3.    FWAs improve work-life balance and job satisfaction.

Research published in PubMed highlights the profound impact of flexible work environments on job satisfaction, reporting an increase of up to 65%!  Companies nurture a healthier work-life balance by affording employees the flexibility to manage their professional and personal commitments effectively.

Employees appreciate the freedom to structure their workdays around family obligations, personal interests, and other responsibilities, leading to heightened job satisfaction and loyalty to the organization.  This boosts the loyalty factor and dedication.


4.    A flexible work schedule improves retention and attracts high talent.

The findings of a survey conducted by Flex Jobs underscore the importance of flexible work arrangements in talent acquisition and retention efforts.  In fact, 72% of job seekers prioritize “flexible workspace” when evaluating potential employment opportunities.

Offering flexible work options signals to prospective hires that your company values work-life balance and respects individual needs.  Moreover, existing employees are likelier to remain loyal to an employer that prioritizes their well-being and offers flexibility in their work.


5.    Save time and reduce commute stress.

Flexible work arrangements offer a practical solution to the time-consuming and often stressful commute to the office.  By allowing employees to work remotely or adjust their schedules, companies enable them to reclaim valuable time previously spent traveling.  It also saves them money on travel, eating away from home, and more.

Not only does this translate to increased productivity, but it also contributes to a significant reduction in commute-related stress.  Employees can use this time to focus on their work or personal pursuits or enjoy a more relaxed start to their day.


Are Flexible Work Arrangements any good for employers?

The benefits of FWAs are not limited to employees.  Offering flexible work schedules benefits employers and their companies or businesses as well.

Here are three major benefits to employers and companies;

1.    Improved employee retention and loyalty

When you value your employees’ diverse needs and preferences, it shows that your company is committed to their well-being.  This leads to huge increased loyalty and retention rates.  Employees are more likely to remain with an employer that values their work-life balance and offers flexibility in how they fulfill their job responsibilities.


2.    The better reputation of the company

FWAs enable companies to access a diverse talent pool beyond geographic constraints.  You attract skilled professionals from different regions or accommodate individuals with unique circumstances, such as caregivers or individuals with disabilities.  This talent helps you grow faster.


3.    Reduced operational costs

When you adopt flexible work arrangements, your company can achieve significant cost savings.  Reduced office space requirements, utilities, and overhead expenses associated with maintaining a traditional office setup can lead to substantial financial savings.


The work world is changing…Are you?

A flexible work arrangement does not mean employees can do whatever they want.  But now, with better means and improved tech, traditional workplaces or work schedules are a thing of the past.  You must adapt to flexible work arrangements to be relatable and pursue sustainability.

Your objective is to get the job done.  You can do this without being a traditional boss.  Your company needs a leader… visionary leader who knows how to get to the next level.  Flexible workplaces are the new vision.


Hair Analysis and Flexible Work Arrangement

If you need help improving your employees’ well-being, I am the right person to talk to.  A healthy employee is a happy employee.  When you are invested in their well-being, they will be there for your company.

LET’S CHAT so I can help you to strengthen your workforce and skyrocket your company in every way!


Further Reading and research

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