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4 Mental Health Programs for CEO Corporate Wellness

Mental health is connected to productivity and success

Your mental health affects your work.  If you are happy, you are productive.  If you are productive, you will get more mental satisfaction, which will make you happy.  You see, it’s a circle.   I am not the one claiming it; many scientific studies have proven that happier people are more productive.  Their productivity leads them to success.

A study published by the University of Oxford states that happy workers are 13% more productive.

But…how can you be happy?  Or if you are a CEO or boss…how can you make your employees happy?

Happiness is directly connected to mental health.  According to research by PubMed Central (PMC), if a person has strong (and positive) mental health, they would be happy and more satisfied with their life and vice versa.

So, the important thing here is mental health.

This blog is all about how you can prioritize mental health in your workspace.  We will discuss some tried and tested mental health programs specifically developed for corporate wellness.

I am sure that if you read until the end, you’ll learn better ways to take care of yourself and your employees’ mental health.


4 Mental health programs for Corporate Wellness and the significance

There are a few simple actions you can take to help your team feel better both physically and mentally.  Let’s break them down to help you see the importance of each.


Healthy food and health Screenings — Keep them fit!

There are times we assume everyone knows what we do but some do not and some just need the reminders.  Nutrition education is an important half of keeping your team in tip top shape.  Here’s some things you can implement for them.


Conduct nutrition workshops and seminars: 

Educate your employees about balanced and nutritious food.  You can offer workshops, seminars (monthly or biweekly), or access to resources on balanced diets, portion control, and the benefits of various nutrients.  This will enable your employees to make informed decisions about their food intake.


Avoid fast foods in snack breaks: 

Promote healthier snack options during breaks.  It will significantly impact employees’ energy levels and overall health.  Replacing fast foods with fruits, nuts, whole-grain snacks, and other nutritious alternatives will help their long term health.  By providing healthy snack choices, not only support physical health but also enhance cognitive function plus their mood stability.


Regular health checkups and health risk assessments:

Regular health screenings and assessments allow employees to monitor their health status and detect potential issues early on.  Screenings for conditions such as high blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and diabetes empower individuals to take proactive steps toward managing their health.  Including a Hair Mineral Analysis can help them with preventing illness by showing deficiencies, toxins that need to go, and showing exactly which minerals could positively change their health.


Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) —Make them feel understood.

When an employee feels valued and cared for, they will respond with more productivity.  Their loyalty is strengthened when they feel their company cares about their overall well-being so they tend to stay longer.  It saves corporations at least 2X the cost of replacing an unhappy employee when they have a wellness program implemented.


Give them direct access to mental health professionals and resources:

EAPs offer confidential support and counseling services to employees facing personal or work-related challenges.  If you can provide direct access to mental health professionals, such as therapists or counselors, employees can seek assistance when needed.  You can also offer resources such as hotlines, online support groups, and self-help materials to ensure that employees have various mental support systems.

Beyond verbal counseling, you can assist their physical health that may be linked to their mental health with Hair Analysis.  Heavy metals can drive us to behave in ways that are not natural to us such as anger, sadness, and feeling over emotional.  The emotions won’t adjust back to normal if the body is in constant aggravation due to the irritating metals trapped in tissues or organs.


Focus on financial help and wellness initiatives: 

Financial stress is a significant cause of poor mental health.  So, you can take care of this stress via financial wellness initiatives, such as budgeting workshops, debt management programs, or access to financial advisors, which can alleviate financial burdens and promote stability.  If their healthcare is a substantial burden, offering preventative care such as the Hair Analysis included in their HSA/FSA plan can lift the financial worry of getting to the root cause.


Stress management — Avoid micromanagement

There are many causes of stress in life but we can eliminate some to lighten the load.  Working with someone breathing down your neck or over your shoulder only creates more stress.  Having the feeling of being an independent and confident part of the company can be empowering.  When we are a part of a collective group, it shifts the mindset from carrying the burden to leading the way.


Reduce check-ins: 

Micromanagement increases stress and decreases morale among employees so reduce the frequency of check-ins.   Allowing employees the autonomy to manage their tasks is the best practice to eliminate unnecessary pressure.  When you trust your employees to execute their responsibilities, it promotes a sense of ownership and accountability,  which creates a healthier work environment.  Accountability should suffice while building the trust between management and employees.


Address toxic behavior: 

Toxic behavior is the poison in any workplace.  Leaders must promptly address any instances of toxic behavior, whether it’s bullying, harassment, or negativity.  Implementing clear policies to address such behavior is a must to stop the negative spread.  This will create a supportive and respectful workplace culture with clear boundaries.


Offer flexible work hours: 

Flexible work hours help your employees maintain a life-work balance, which reduces stress.  Allowing employees to adjust their schedules to accommodate personal obligations or preferences can help them to work harder once the stressors are removed.  It will enhance job satisfaction and overall well-being while allowing them to feel cared for.  Companies that offer remote work options, flextime arrangements, or compressed workweeks demonstrate a commitment to supporting employees’ individual needs and preferences.


Community involvement — Create a better culture

By building strong community bonds and as a group, we become invested in our surrounding people.  We relate and see ourselves in them which encourages emotional ties.


Involve your employees in volunteer social activities. 

Volunteer activities promote a sense of purpose and fulfillment among team members.  Encourage your employees to participate in local charity events, community clean-up initiatives, or fundraising campaigns.  When you show up as their leader, they see you walk the talk, making an even greater impact.  It will raise their respect level for you, the company, and increase their work life dedication.


Promote teamwork and a help-others culture: 

Encourage team members to offer help and support to their colleagues.  It fosters a sense of camaraderie and solidarity.  Recognize and reward acts of kindness and collaboration to reinforce the importance of a helping mindset within the organization.  This shows that your company values it’s people beyond productivity and monetary gain.  Ultimately their loyalty pays off in your company KPIs.


Host gathering events:

Organize regular social gatherings and team-building events to facilitate connections and strengthen more personal relationships among employees.  Create opportunities for social interaction through monthly happy hours, team lunches, or outdoor activities.  These events provide a platform for employees to bond, recharge and see each other as friends beyond just co-workers.


Benefits of CEO mental health programs in corporate sectors

Some of the programs or activities that I mentioned above may sound like an added cost…but in reality, they are investments!  You get long-term benefits and ROI from them.  Your company/business grows with huge potential, and you will achieve your goals sooner than you expected.


Here are the 4 benefits that I have seen in the companies that practice mental health programs;

Your company’s reputation will improve.

A company that prioritizes employees’ mental health and overall well-being earns respect and reputation in the market.  Everyone starts saying positive words about the company.  That means you let people market your company…in a good way organically and for free!  It builds your credibility and authority in the work force community.


Your employees’ productivity and performance will increase.

Investing in mental health programs leads to higher employee engagement, satisfaction, and morale.  As employees feel supported and valued, they are more motivated to perform their best.  It results in higher productivity, creativity, less sick time, and overall performance.


It reduces absenteeism linked to mental health.

Your employees take off due to stress and health problems.  If they are mentally overwhelmed they may feel the need to take a sick day.  If you support them and provide resources, you can reduce your company absenteeism rates, enhance employee retention, and maintain continuity in day to day operations.


You will attract top talent and beat your competitors.

Real talent is rare, but when your reputation is good, people start dreaming of working in your company.  You attract talent as prospective employees prefer you over your competitors for all of the above mentioned reasons.


You will pay less to zero healthcare insurance for some.

If you are proactively addressing mental health through preventive measures and early intervention, you can significantly reduce healthcare costs associated with mental health-related issues.   Healthy and mentally resilient employees are less likely to require costly medical interventions or prolonged treatments.


Hair Analysis and CEO mental health

There is a reason all top companies, such as Google, Microsoft, or Unilever, prioritize the wellness and mental health of their employees.  Your employees are your most valuable assets.  Take care of them and witness your company and business succeed.

But here is the catch…

I always preach that before initiating any wellness or mental health program, you need to take care of YOUR mental, physical, and emotional health.  Whether you are a young business owner in your 20s or an experienced CEO running multiple businesses, you need to be physically and mentally fit; only then will you be able to implement any such initiative.

As the leader, they are watching, following, and needing your best example.  Bottom line, you need to be healthy to lead.

If you are struggling and would like to discuss wellness or mental health with someone who’s been doing it for over ten years now, LET’S CHAT and have that important conversation for you and your company.


Relevant and Further Studies

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