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Do you know what fluoride does to the brain?

Your child can be high on the I.Q. Test but fluoride in your water may be causing their I.Q. to decrease!

There are 27 studies done in corroboration of Harvard School of Public Health and china Medical Univ. of Shenyang indicating fluoride adversely affects cognitive development in children. In one study, 8,000 school aged children measured showed an average loss of 7 I.Q. points as well as toxic exposure to the brain.

“Fluoride seems to fit in with lead, mercury, and other poisons that cause chemical brain drain…The effect of each toxicant may seem small, but the combined damage on a population scale can be serious, especially because the brainpower of the next generation is crucial to all of us.”[iv]

The fluoride ion is so tiny it can easily pass the placenta which could cumulatively decrease the intelligence of generations of people.  It makes you wonder why this neurotoxin is legal to expose the masses to right?


Another study done in 2008 by the Nanjing Univ. School of Medicine found “a consistent and strong association between the exposure to fluoride in water and low IQ.[v]

It has been known that fluoride is actually a harmful chemical since Dr. Gerald J. Cox presented his findings in 1939 to the American Water Works Association stating:

“Use of water to which a part per million of fluoride has been added for other than drinking can conceivably lead to undesirable effects.  Plant and animal life may be injured…Every use of water must be examined as well as current water treatment practices before fluoridation can be begun”

If we consider the children living in Flint, Michigan in 2014 who were poisoned by Lead in their drinking water along with possible Legionella bacteria.  Now ask yourself, what further damage was done by the fluoride absorbed with the lead?

From 174 of them that were followed, 80% required special education services!  If we can decontaminate them, we can allow their body to heal and possibly regain their health and cognitive abilities.

Common sources of toxic fluoride:

  • Fluoridated drinking water
  • mouth wash
  • toothpaste
  • some teas
  • fluoride treatments done in the dental office which can make children feel sick (6%+)
  • fruit juices
  • all foods processed with tap water


Symptoms of fluoride toxicity:

  • hypothyroidism, hip and other fractures
  • brown discoloration and brittleness of teeth
  • dental fluorosis at 1 ppm (part per million of fluoride ion per million parts of water)
  • birth defects
  • chronic fatigue
  • insomnia as the pineal gland as fluoride impairs in making melatonin
  • physical brain degeneration
  • neurological damage
  • thyroid depression or hypothyroidism as it binds up iodine receptors
  • pains and floating in the stomach or gut
  • lowered IQ
  • inhibit enzyme activity for digestion and nutrient absorption
  • cancer
  • neuromuscular conditions
  • bone diseases such as osteoporosis
  • dermatitis or pink/red spots
  • muscle weakness
  • may cause genetic damage (does in mice)
  • kidney impairment

Where does fluoride come from?

The Aluminum and phosphate fertilizer industries needed a convenient and profitable use for fluoride wastes left over after the manufacturing process that led to the addition of commercial inorganic fluorides to municipal water supplies to supposedly lower dental caries beginning in 1931.  Aluminum manufacturers were producing 65 pounds of fluoride for each ton of metal beginning in the early 1900s with no EPA-approved place to dump the toxin.


What amount of fluoride is too much?

It has been known that fluoride is a harmful chemical since Dr. Gerald J. Cox presented his findings in 1939 to the American Water Works Association stating “Use of water to which a part per million of fluoride has been added for other than drinking can conceivably lead to undesirable effects.  Plant and animal life may be injured.  Every use of water must be examined as well as current water treatment practices before fluoridation can be begun”.[i]

Spring and well waters in the 1940s-1960s would contain an average of less than .5 ppm whereas fresh-water lakes and rivers were less than .2 ppm.


Why is fluoride in many anti-psychotic and anti-depressant medications?

Fluoride was discovered during World War II by biochemist Charles Eliot Perkins that there were concentration camps experimenting in Germany with fluoride.  It can and was used on prisoners to make them “docile, stupid, and compliant”, damaging their resistance to authority in an attempt to have mind control.  Fluoride is one of the strongest anti-psychotics known and found in approximately 25% of major tranquilizers.  It is alsoin anti-depressants starting with 18% in Prozac (1 of 5 of it’s ingredients).


Notice the common “flu”oride with these anti-depressants and other medications?

  • Prozac (fluoxetine)
  • Stelazine (trifluoperazine/Depixol/Fluanxol – all flupenthixol)
  • Floxapen (flucloxacillin)
  • Diflucan (fluconazole/Flixonase/Flixodtide containing fluticasone)
  • Fluanxol or Depixol (flupenthixol)
  • Rohypnol (flunitrazepam)

Other drugs with fluorine atoms are Risperdal, Prevacid, Lexapro, Celebrex, Statins such as Lipitor, and Levaquin.

Even though some drugs claim to be an organofluorine that supposedly will resist metabolizing into fluoride ions, urine and blood work have proven in studies that it does causing massive daily toxic ingestion.

Your child may not be taking these medications but as you may know they are often “recycled” into municipal water sources.  The city filtration systems are NOT set up to remove chemicals that are in most medications.


What links to illness or disease are related to fluoride?

There has been a correlation between Down’s Syndrome and data from the National Disease Control Center or CDC showing a 15% higher overall rate in the fluoridated Metro Atlanta counties as far back as 1963. [ii]  Cancer death rates among persons age 45-65 in the 10 largest fluoridated U.S. cities experience 35,000 more deaths per year per 100,000 people with .05 ppm and steadily grew up to the current date.[iii]

Children who experience digestive issues, multiple cavities, frequent infections, and even ADHD need detoxification.  Some have even suffered massive bone loss at a very young age due to fluoride supplementation.


What is the best water to drink?

Undoubtedly the best choice is a clean spring water as it contains natural minerals.  Many bottlers will add fluoride without listing it on the label unfortunately.  I can share a list of non-fluoridated spring waters if you need assistance.


Why does all of this affect our kids?  Because they are getting fluoride from multiple sources daily which alone can cause cognitive and physical ailments.  We all want smart and healthy children so please, eliminate the fluoride.

LET’S CHAT about your health goals and the detoxification process!


Learn more sources of fluoride HERE.


[i] G.J. Cox, J. Am. Water Works Asso. 31:1929, 1939

[ii] J.D. Erickson, G.P. Oakley, Jr., J.W. Flynt, Jr., and S. Hay, J. Am. Dental Assoc. 93:981, 1976; I. Rapaport, Rev. Stomatol. 64:207, 1963, and earlier papers cited therein.

[iii] J. Yiamouyiannis and D. burk, Fluoride 10:102, July 1977 Presented at the Eighth Conference of the International Society for Fluoride Research, Oxford, England, May 29-31, 1977, and a full report was published.

[iv]September 5, 2012 Environmental Health Perspectives, July 20, 2012 Grandjean

[v] Biol Trace Elements Res., Winter 2008:126(1-3):115-20 Epub 2008 Aug 10.;

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