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Which foods cause inflammation and reduce inflammation?

Do you have aches and pains due to inflammation?

Foods cause inflammation that can stop you from living the life you desire.  We can frequently experience inflamed joints or sore muscles but chronic inflammation doesn’t let up.

You will wake up with it to push through the day until it is bedtime.  It may keep you awake and impede you from being comfortable within your own body.  Let’s dig in to some food linked to inflammation and foods that can help to relieve it.


What kind of common foods cause inflammation?

There are fats, carbohydrates, processed foods, and even vegetables that can trigger gut inflammation.


Which fats in our food cause inflammation?

Trans –fats and partially/full hydrogenated oils create a good texture and taste but raise the bad LDL cholesterol.  I don’t recommend Margarine (flies won’t even eat it) or canola oil which is refined with hexane used to create gasoline and derived from rapeseed which is not food but an industrial-based oil for machinery and fuels.  Instead use an extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), sunflower, safflower, flaxseed, hemp oil, or ghee that contains beneficial omega-6 fatty acid for a rich butter flavor.


Saturated fats are found in animal fat.  In excess, it can change your healthy gut bacteria into a negative balance causing immune responses to leaky gut setting off autoimmune issues.  Although we do need some healthy fats as found in dark chicken meat, an excess of eating fast food burgers will cause an accumulation of these fats in the body.


Which fruits and vegetables cause inflammation?

Nightshade vegetables can trigger gut inflammation.  Tomatoes can be very irritating as they are high in lectins causing symptoms such as bloating, diarrhea and nausea.  As they weaken the gut lining they cause leaky gut as the microscopic openings that allow digested food into the blood stream stop sealing.  When too large of particles get through the wide open tight junctures we can also develop allergies or autoimmune issues such as Celiac Disease.


Tropical fruits contain higher amounts of fructose (fruit sugar) including mangoes, pineapples, and oranges.  Bananas are touted for having higher amounts of potassium at 358 mg per 100 grams but prunes have double the amount at 732 mg PLUS the benefit of added fiber!  Those who are not indigenous to tropical areas can struggle to digest these fruits.  Pineapple is the only natural source known in nature containing the enzyme Bromelain that digest proteins.  It can make your mouth raw but is neutralized in stomach acid.  Many of us are not equipped to digest fruit regularly due to low digestive enzymes.


Which animal product foods cause inflammation?

Processed meats such as bologna, sausage, hot dogs, brats, etc.  They contain loads of salt, nitrites, nitrates, and animal parts that are not normally eaten alone.  Keep in mind, nothing short of hooves, horns, and bones (if not used in animal food) leave the processing plant.  Think of the parts from nose to tail ground up into these “foods”.  Instead, reach for a grilled or baked chicken with veggies or reheat some stir fry for true nutrition.


Dairy is most often a trigger to allergies due to the milk protein casein.  It can bring on constipation, hives, diarrhea, cramping, and even breathing issues.  Instead, you can try rotating almond milk and rice milk (rice is high in Arsenic) but I suggest avoiding soy milk due to high levels of estrogen and toxic glyphosate (Roundup).


Higher fat red meats such as ribs, hamburgers over 90% fat, roast or steaks.  Instead eat buffalo, lamb, venison, and leaner cuts of beef 2-3 times a week for a good refuel of protein and iron.  On days you are not eating the lean red meats be sure to include the healthy fats derived from sunflower, olive, avocado, and nuts or nut butters.


What other sources in our food cause inflammation?

Alcohol can not only raise your blood sugar as it is converted to pure glucose, but it also causes your liver to struggle to store and dispose of it fast enough.   We all know that sclerosis of the liver occurs with abuse but it also inhibits your liver from processing your protein properly for up to 24 hours.  This is why most serious bodybuilders abstain from it so their muscle gains are not negated.


Sugar!  It can not only bring on inflammation but swelling, overheating as the body tries to process the rocket fuel, food allergies, diabetes, as well as feeding cancers.  Agave has gotten marketed as a healthy choice but it does the same while suppressing our white blood cell activity that fights disease and heals. Agave is 85% fructose that can only be broken down by liver cells whereas glucose can be used by every cell in our body.


Decades ago the typical American would consume 15 pounds of sugar annually, now it is up to 150 pounds!  Cutting this out in any form will increase your natural energy immensely once it is cleared from storage.  Substituting sweeter veggies such as carrots, peas, and sweet potatoes will help while you decrease sugar consumption.


Refined carbohydrates derived from grain are one step down from sugar.  These are most likely based on flour such as crackers, pasta, bread, pastries, processed box foods, etc.  They are processed the same as sugar along with the chemicals added to preserve them.  Instead eat fiber-rich millet, amaranth, quinoa, brown rice, and wild rice along with vegetables.


What known chemicals can flare inflammation?

Chemical food additives such as monosodium glutamate (MSG) are often added to canned vegetables, soups, or Chinese foods and the artificial sweetener aspartame (linked to tumors and asthma) are flavor enhancers.

They can also trigger:

  • gut inflammation
  • headaches
  • stroke
  • adrenal gland issues
  • seizures
  • diabetes
  • excessive weight gain
  • high blood pressure
  • excessive weight gain

Instead use natural herbs, Redmond sea salt, and seasonings to enhance foods.  For a sweetener try Monk Fruit powder which is also zero carbs, stevia leaf (not the root as it is high in Lead), or Xylitol (unless you have a birch tree allergy).   These are very sweet so little is needed and they won’t raise blood sugar.


What foods help in reducing inflammation?

  1. Cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, broccoli, kale (vitamin A, C, and K), and cabbage have powerful anti-inflammatory nutrients including sulforaphane.
  2. Tumeric found in curcumin is one of the most potent anti-inflammatory foods we have.   It is so powerful it can effectively help in managing rheumatoid arthritis (RA) naturally.
  3. Flaxseeds and flaxseed oil are excellent sources of omega-3s, antioxidants, and phytonutrients.  Grinding the seed in a processor releases them for the best nutritional boost.  The polyphenols help your probiotic (good bacteria) grow within the gut.  They also help to slow aging, balance hormones, and kill off yeast (candida).
  4. Garlic is not only delicious it is both antimicrobial and anti-bacterial.  This allows it to combat multiple causes of inflammation.  It also aids in lowering blood pressure by increasing blood flow and oxygen.
  5. Atlantic skinless/boneless sardines provide omega 3 fatty acid, vitamin D, DHA/EPA while reducing inflammation.

    Amazing the food can do this much for inflammation right?

  6. Beetroot provides nitric oxide on a cellular level. They help vasodilators open up your veins to increase blood flow, increase healing along with all of the good things in your bloodstream.  The added oxygenation decreases inflammatory responses.
  7. Tart Cherries are known for fighting osteoarthritis, relieving inflammation like gout, and are high in Melatonin.
  8. Chia seeds provide minerals, vitamins, protein and along with their natural fatty acids can help to regulate cholesterol and lower blood pressure.
  9. Ginger can relax and heal the intestinal tract so gas is not trapped causing bloating.  It assists the leaky gut in closing when the offensive food is eliminated.
  10. Omega 3 is found in many types of foods.  It is said that the typical American diet tends to contain 14–25 times more omega-6 fatty acids than omega-3 fatty acids.  This imbalance causes enormous inflammation.
  11. Green leafy veggies such as kale, Swiss chard, Bok Choy (plus over 70 antioxidant substances), spinach, and mustard leaves are amazing. They are high in anti-inflammatory vitamin E and some omega 3.
  12. Nuts and seeds provide anti-inflammatory omega-e fatty acids that remove free radicals from causing disease.


There are others such as blueberries, celery, green tea, and more that you can eat to help your body in healing itself.  Use food as your own natural medicine.

We do not have a pharmaceutical deficiency, we become nutritionally deficient when inflammation begins leading to disease.

You can change it!!  LET’S CHAT about your health goals.


Learn more about causes, affects, and supplements that can help.

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