Brain Fog: How Heavy Metal Testing Can Restore Mental Clarity
Are you struggling to remember simple things? Finding it difficult to concentrate with brain fog on tasks that once came naturally? That mental cloudiness has a name: brain fog. While…
Heavy metal toxicity affect your body and mind. Learn the symptoms & the dangers of these toxins. Hair Analysis results can show your levels & what needs to detoxify.
These metals and toxins can change the way you feel, think, behave, and look. It has never been more important to take action to remove them and rebuild with proper nutrition.
Brain Fog: How Heavy Metal Testing Can Restore Mental Clarity
Are you struggling to remember simple things? Finding it difficult to concentrate with brain fog on tasks that once came naturally? That mental cloudiness has a name: brain fog. While…
Are Protein Powders Harming Your Health? Protein powders aren’t just for bodybuilders or athletes anymore. People like you and I rely on these supplements for a quick protein boost. The…
Causes and Symptoms of Iron Deficiency Anemia and Natural Solutions There are many causes of anemia and the symptoms can vary with each individual. I want to educate you on…
Overview of Iron Toxicity We all have Iron in our bodies. It is an essential mineral for our well-being and is critical in various bodily functions. It helps in the…
Aluminum Toxicity – 6 Effects, Sources, and Natural Ways to Detox
Aluminum Toxicity and Your Health Aluminum is 3rd most abundant heavy metal on Earth. It means that you can’t avoid exposure to aluminum. Reports suggest that everyday exposure is not…
Everything you must know about mercury toxicity Why is mercury bad for you? There are many questions that need to be addressed to keep you healthy and your mind clear…
The Role of Copper in Your Body Copper is one of the few heavy metals the human body needs to function properly. It plays a pivotal role in various biochemical…
Are you having symptoms of Chemtrails toxins? Symptoms of Chemtrails vary but once you take a couple of minutes to run down the checklist you will see the correlation. You…
Hair Analysis Results Can Determine Health Issues From Mineral Deficiencies To Serious Illness. I have seen clients improving or eliminating disease once they know what their body needs to rebuild…
How Lead Toxicity affects you Physically, Mentally, and Emotionally
Do you need help recalling or remembering information often? It may not be related to age. You may feel tired, weak, or have pain in your body without apparent reasons. …