You are currently viewing 36 U.S. foods banned in other countries!

36 U.S. foods banned in other countries!

The U.S. allows foods banned across the globe but why? 

We think we can trust our government and its departments to protect us or keep us safe, but they are failing. Other countries outside the United States are proactive in stopping contamination from harming their citizens. 

We unknowingly ingest or absorb toxins from so many places without thinking about it.  Add up the products you have eaten or need to throw away today to protect your health. The list is for you to peruse and find products that may be posing a danger to your vitality.


Let me give you common examples of “foods” that are banned in many other countries but not in the U.S.

Meat foods banned

  1. The food additive called pink slime is added to meats like ground beef or as a filler to lower fat content. It is the pieces pulled from the bones including tendons that are ground up and used to form things like chicken nuggets or hot dogs. Ammonia gas is sprayed to kill bacteria and create a fresh pink look.
  2. Pork, cattle, and turkeys are given Ractopamine feed additive to bulk them up quickly with muscle and less. That increases the consumer’s heart rate and can cause weight gain.
  3. Farmed fish are fed mixtures of chemicals including carcinogenic, hormone-disrupting, and immune-damaging toxins. Along with it is methyl mercury linked to mental illness, kidney damage, and nervous system defects.
  4. Commercial chicken is fed antibiotics and hormones then soaked in a mixture of chlorine bleach! They are also more pink due to the high levels of Arsenic in the commercial chicken feed that the FDA deems safe. Oh, by the way, “baby” carrots are also soaked in chlorine.
  5. Meats smoked with sodium nitrate salt can cause cancers and migraines are not allowed.

Fruit foods that are banned

  1. Red Maraschino cherries contain Red 40 which is linked to migraines, allergies, cancer, and mental issues in children.
  2. Genetically engineered or GMO papayas as well as other foods that are modified cause tumors, intestinal damage, organ-related issues, and more. Corn and soy are grouped with these GMOs as they can cause sterility, birth defects, multiple organ damage, and have links to autism.
  3. Artificial blueberries included in snack bars or other products are derived from petroleum. Yup, the same ingredient as asphalt, tar, and gasoline that causes brain cancer, hyperactivity, and nerve-cell degeneration.
  4. Apples grown in the U.S. have carcinogenic DPA sprayed on them.


Dairy foods that are banned

  1. Coffee-Mate creamer is banned because of the hydrogenated cottonseed and soybean oils that contribute to heart issues. It also may contain titanium dioxide like the Skittles.
  2. American dairy contains rBST and rBGH growth hormones that disrupt human hormones that can cause cancer and premature growth in our kids. This includes milk and cheese.
  3. Drumstick brand, other ice creams, and chocolate milk that use carrageenan to give texture are derived from seaweed but can adversely harm the digestive system, insulin resistance, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, or heart disease.


Banned bread foods or carbohydrates

  1. Bread products commonly contain potassium bromate and azodicarbonamide used to bleach flour. They are also saturated with this toxin found in pesticides, sneakers, and yoga mats.  They cause cancer, kidney damage, nervous system disorders, thyroid issues as well as inducing asthma episodes.
  2. Stove Top Stuffing contains 2 toxins, cancer-causing BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) and BHA (beta-hydroxy acid) which impair blood clotting.
  3. Pillsbury biscuits contain partially hydrogenated soybean oil known to cause heart disease. Their pie crusts have both BHT and BHA carcinogens. Pillsbury Crescent Rolls contain Yellow #5 and Red #40.
  4. Ritz crackers have hydrogenated cottonseed oil which is a harmful trans fat for arteries.
  5. Wheat thins and cereals that have a “flavor enhancer” BHT are banned as well.
  6. Corn is sprayed with Atrazine and glyphosate so it is illegal to sell in other countries.
  7. Cereals with carcinogenic dyes such as Yellow #5, #6, and Red #40 are commonly not allowed. They also may agitate the nervous system, especially in children with ADHD, or cause allergic reactions.


“Treats” that are not allowed

  1. Sodas such as Mountain Dew and Sun Drop have brominated vegetable oil that can facilitate skin issues, memory loss, headaches, and impaired balance/coordination.  Another soda banned that contains bromine flame retardant to bind its citrus flavor with other ingredients is Fresca.
  2. Pop-Tarts with Red #40 and the drink Gatorade with Yellow #5 and #6 (which is also high in sodium).
  3. Skittles Candy contains titanium dioxide, Red #40, Yellow #5, and #6 are used to make them colorful but cause lung tumors in rats.
  4. Items that are loaded with cancer-causing dyes include Sunkist Soda and Little Debbie Swiss Rolls. They have Yellow #5 and Red #40 dyes linked to ADHD triggers too.
  5. Betty Crocker Fudge Brownie mix has partially hydrogenated soybean or cottonseed oil too affecting the heart.
  6. Potato chips containing BHA are not sold to consumers as they see they are not safe.
  7. Kraft Macaroni & Cheese continues to use Yellow #5 and #6 for coloring so they are banned.
  8. Twinkies are banned due to their carcinogenic, mutation-changing properties, and asthma-triggering symptoms Yellow #5 is harmful. Other items include pasta, Jello, margarine, sodas, butter, and more.
  9. Tostitos Salsa Con Queso dip gets its color from Yellow #5 and #6.
  10. Red Jell-O containing Red #40 is not allowed in the more cautious countries.
  11. Fat-free snacks containing Olestra or Olean inhibit fat absorption. The chemical causes cramps, diarrhea, and leaky gut if over-consumed.

Are you shocked so far?

Here are some more items that are less common but need to be avoided.

  1. Sugar cane sourced from the U.S. can be sprayed with Atrazine causing birth defects, skin issues, muscle degeneration, and reproductive tumors. Ironically Stevia carries a risk of cancer and male infertility in animals so it is on the banned list as well.
  2. High fructose corn syrup is not only soaked with pesticides it is linked to Type 2 diabetes and obesity.
  3. Chewing gum can be banned if it contains carcinogenic BHA.
  4. American M&Ms are not allowed due to the variety of hazardous carcinogenic dyes.
  5. Peanut butter mixed with palm oil increases cardiovascular disease so it is banned.
  6. Artificial sweeteners that can target being marketed to diabetics such as Saccharin, Aspartame, Acesulfame K, and Sucralose. The names change to try to slip past scrutiny so beware.


So what is the healthiest food I can eat?

As you can see, the United States allows so many toxic items labeled as healthy food.  We need to be educated consumers to protect our biggest asset, our health. 

When choosing where to spend your grocery budget, organic non-GMO vegetables are your best bet.


Why is organic non-GMO the healthiest food choice? 

Organic means it is not sprayed with herbicides, pesticides, or insecticides. Non-GMO means it is not a genetically modified organism that has had disruption to its DNA. We are not meant to eat unnatural foods so beware of “bio-engineered product”, “BE”, or “bio-engineered food ingredients” on the label as well.  They have been altered in the genes at the DNA level and can not be found in nature.

The second reason is that our minerals and nutrients come from vegetables, not proteins, fats, or wholly complex carbohydrate foods.  Eating a variety of vegetables daily gives you a vast range that you need as well as fiber to feed your good gut bacteria.  Once you’ve made these changes, eating grass-fed animal protein that has not had injections of hormones, antibiotics or mRNA is your next best move.

Shopping around the perimeter of the store for whole foods that do not require a label is best.  If you have more than 2-3 ingredients that you can’t pronounce or you don’t know what it is, put it back.


How can food detoxify quickly?

Disease occurs when we become nutrient deficient and toxic so if you reverse the process it can return you to a place of optimal health.  By changing your diet you can open the detox pathways and give each cell the energy it needs to escort toxins out of your body again.

Do it together!  The Palberg family of Germany ate only organic for 2 weeks. Initially, their urine had shown multiple pesticide toxicities but after 2 weeks almost all of the pesticides were gone from their urine recheck. Read more studies on reducing pesticides.

I can walk you through gradual changes to make the transition to a healthy lifestyle easy.  Knowing what foods and precise supplements your body needs is the first step to determining with a Hair Mineral Analysis.


LET’S CHAT about your health goals!


Copyright Scientific Nutrition, LLC 2023

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