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How to Naturally Integrate Mental Wellness In Your Workplace

The Need for Promoting Mental Wellness in Your Workplace

As a corporate wellness coach, I work with employees and employers daily.  Do you know what is the most discussed issue?

It’s mental wellness.

Employees suffer from poor mental health, and employers complain about productivity.  You like it or not…but whenever someone utters the word  ‘workplace’ or “corporate sector,”…a sense of stress, overwork, and hustle life comes into mind.

The workplace directly influences your employees’ lifestyle and, ultimately, your company and business.  According to WHO (World Health Organization), an average employee spends one-third of their life at work!

Imagine if your employee is buried under tight deadlines, stressful work schedules, and non-supportive staff.  How adversely will their physical, mental, and emotional health be affected? A lot.

Particularly their mental health, as studies show that anxiety, depression, and stress are the major problems in the corporate sector.

An employee who is anxious, stressed, and depressed is only a loss to the business.

Ethically, the employee is not responsible for the loss; the company is.  Before your workplace gets into trouble, this blog will help you how to integrate and promote mental health wellness in your company.


5 Ways to Promote and Integrate Mental Wellness and Health Effortlessly

If you think incorporating mental health cost you a fortune, you are wrong.  It’s right that you need some money to initiate some programs but care for mental health is very affordable even if you are a small company owner.


Here are some tried, tested, and proven methods that you can implement with minimum effort:

Set a psychologically safe and positive workplace.

It costs you $0, literally.

You only need a firm commitment to promote a supportive environment.  The first step is to reduce the stigma of being mentally ill. Encourage open conversations about mental health.  Make your employee feel comfortable discussing their struggles without fear of judgment and mean it.  This openness can be fostered through regular mental health workshops and seminars, where experts share insights and strategies to manage stress and anxiety.

Act like a leader, not a boss.  Show empathy and listen actively to their problems.  Acknowledge their feelings and validate their experiences. When employees see that their leaders genuinely care about their well-being, they are more likely to feel valued and motivated.

Implement a feedback loop.  Regularly seek feedback from employees about the workplace environment and mental health initiatives.  Use this feedback to make continuous improvements.  You can touch base regularly, use surveys, or have coaching under your benefits for them.


Provide them with job security.

It only requires a better system, no extra budget.  Job security is a fundamental component of mental wellness.  According to NIH (National Institute of Health), job security significantly reduces stress levels.

Start by offering a justified wage that reflects their skills and contributions.  Fair compensation is crucial in making employees feel valued and reducing financial worries.  By including preventative health services, you will boost the value of your employment while cutting costs for healthcare.

You can also provide them with food and residential stability.  While this might seem challenging, consider offering benefits like meal vouchers or housing assistance programs.  Such initiatives can provide a safety net for employees, which helps them focus better on their work rather than worrying about their next meal or rent payment.


Get a written mental health policy.

This, again, does not cost anything.  All you need is a written policy for mental health care.  All of your staff must know about this policy, and your role as a CEO or a boss is to regulate whatever you have in the policy.

Establishing a written mental health policy is a straightforward yet impactful step in promoting a supportive workplace.  Start by aligning your policy with the Mental Health Parity Act, which ensures that mental health conditions are treated with the same importance as physical health conditions.  This act underscores the necessity of providing equal access to mental health care, reinforcing the message that mental health is a priority.

Incorporate an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) or HSA/FSA into your policy.  EAPs offer confidential counseling services and resources to help employees manage personal and work-related stress.  Ensure that your staff knows how to access these services and feels comfortable doing so.  An effective EAP can be a lifeline for employees struggling with mental health issues, providing timely support and guidance.

Provide open access to all mental health educational resources.  Make information readily available through your internet links, newsletters, or workshops.


Specify a physical activity break time.

You might wonder if it’s a waste of time. But think about the focus and productivity your workers will experience after a good activity break.  It’s not a waste of time at all!

Consider integrating yoga sessions into the workday.  Yoga is a gentle yet effective way to reduce stress, improve flexibility, and enhance mental clarity.  Offering short, guided yoga sessions during breaks can help employees recharge and return to their tasks with renewed focus.  Even gentle stretches done a few times a day together can foster better health practices and unity within groups.

Group games are another excellent option.  Activities like team sports or interactive games foster camaraderie and relieve stress.  These games encourage social interaction, which is vital for mental wellness, and provide a fun break from the daily grind.  The physical activity involved also releases endorphins, which are natural mood lifters.


Place natural elements in offices.

This idea might sound creepy at first, but it surely has its positive effects.  When your workplace has a natural feel, your employees feel more connected.

Start with natural light.  Ensure that workspaces are well-lit with sunlight, as exposure to natural light helps regulate sleep patterns and boosts mood.  If possible, arrange workstations near windows or install skylights to maximize natural light.

Add plants to the office.  They naturally improve air quality and create a calming atmosphere.  Plants like peace lilies, snake plants, and succulents are low-maintenance and can thrive well indoors.

Use wood and bamboo furniture.  These materials bring a touch of nature indoors, creating a warm and inviting environment.  Natural materials can make the office feel less sterile and more homey, which can be a comfort for employees.  You can even go a step further by avoiding toxic off-gassing of carpets by using alternative flooring.

Allow pet lovers to bring their pets to work (if your workplace is pet-friendly).  Pets can reduce stress and increase happiness.  A designated pet area or pet-friendly policy can make the workplace more enjoyable and less stressful for pet owners. The employees will bring their pets outside for bathroom breaks, get fresh air, and exercise a bit too.

Non-pet owners may enjoy the warmth and petting animals as well.  Just be sure to check for pet allergies before opening the practice up.


Hair Analysis and Mental Wellness

All you need is ‘take action.’  Your employees need mental health support.  If you ignore and delay that support, they are going to suffer.

I just provided you with some simple, easy-to-implement ways to promote mental wellness, but every company has a different work environment.  You can customize and personalize methods for each person with Hair Analysis and ways that best benefit your employees and business.

Take some time to research or let me help you create and develop a customized mental wellness plan for your employees.

You can schedule a call with me to discuss your employees’ needs and your business.  I can then I will strategize a plan for you.


Further readings and study

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