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What toxins are in your laundry detergent?

Is the laundry that touches you daily coated in chemical toxicity?

We want our clothes to smell fresh but there are chemicals with long names within the laundry detergents that are toxic.  Let’s take a look at a few laundry detergent brands and ingredients to discover where you may be getting dangerous toxins!


Original Fresh, Ultra Purex Regular Detergent
contains the toxic ingredients sodium polyacrylate and disodium diamino stilbene disulfonate.  These are two of many toxic ingredients included in this detergent.  Ongoing exposure to these can trigger neurological symptoms, irritated skin, upper respiratory problems, and allergies.  As they are non-biodegradable substances they continuously soak into the skin as you wear your clothes.


Woolite Everyday Laundry Detergent (Sparkling Falls) comes with a fresh scent and a helping of hazardous chemicals like formaldehyde and triethanolamine TEA.  Studies reveal that these chemicals may cause cancer, skin damage, allergies, upper respiratory issues, and even cancer.  What makes this detergent particularly damaging is that it also harms everything in the environment, including aquatic life.


Tide Plus a Touch of Downy Liquid includes up to 29 toxic chemicals.  These are environmental chemical contaminants that damage our physical health and environment.   Along with several companies, the full list of its ingredients is not listed on the label.  Damaged reproductive system, developmental delay, digestion issues, aquatic toxicity,  damaged vision, and DNA.


Fragrance-Free Babyganics 3X contains Methylisothiazolinone (MIT) which can trigger allergies as well as Sodium tetraborate which is extremely toxic to respiratory problems and skin irritation.  This chemical is a replacement so that the label can say “No parabens” but they are not a great substitute.   This is not safe to use.   When we use it on our babies’ clothes and blankets they can cause hormonal disruptions as well as harm the ecosystems killing aquatic life.


Xtra Detergent with the Softness of Escape Softener (Lavender & Vanilla) has been listed as the 23rd worst laundry soap.  It also contains Sodium Borate and quaternium-15.  The latter is a highly carcinogenic agent that concentrates in the brain and the central nervous system as well as causing many hormone disruptions.  It is also a respiratory irritant.


What can we do now?

Now that you’ve seen the dangers in only one of the products you come in contact with daily, dig into other products.  If you have multiple exposures to hormone disruptors, carcinogens, or allergy triggers it magnifies issues.  You need to comb through every product in your home to remove or replace the toxins.


When I work with a client in my Health For Life Wellness™ program, I do an environmental analysis.  I use 25 personal care products and 25 of the most common cleaning products in their home. This will show the number of exposure they have daily to harmful chemicals. Knowing the dangers can show you exactly what you need to change.


Look for biodegradable, natural detergents such as Soap Nuts.  For a softner, use natural organic oils sprinkled on dryer wool balls for a non-chemical fragrance.  These are better for those with allergies, skin conditions, and sensitivities but are a beneficial switch for all of us.

If you need help in analyzing your products, LET’S CHAT about your health goals!


Learn more on places to find toxins and healthy alternatives.

Scientific Nutrition, LLC Copyright 2021